
How Much Money Do You Get For Teaching Gifted In Dade County

Gifted Testing and Intelligence (IQ) Testing & Evaluations

Kids doing homework, Gifted Testing, Miami, FL

Your kid is smart… actually smart.

And it'south not simply you that thinks so. Most people say that s/he thinks and speaks like a little adult. Even their teacher has mentioned that a gifted class may exist a expert fit next school year.  As a parent, you want to make sure that you give your child every opportunity to achieve their potential in school.

Gifted testing tin can help you do that.

Having your kid complete an IQ test to decide if s/he qualifies for placement in a gifted program is a good idea if they excel significantly beyond their peers in school.  The results of these evaluations tin can help parents and teachers understand a child's areas of relative strength and weakness, allowing for more individualized teaching. Gifted programs can claiming academically talented children and let them to make the about out of natural abilities.

Our doctors require that a child be at to the lowest degree v years-old for gifted testing.  Before age 5, at that place'due south a higher likelihood of false-negative and fake-positive results. False-negative results suggest that a kid isn't gifted when they really are! No 1 wants that. On the other hand, false-positive results suggest that a kid is gifted when they really aren't.

You're probably thinking, "What's the harm in that? My child will be in a smaller class with all the smart kids and a better teacher!" Well, yep, Merely there's a downside to this. Your child's academic performance and self-esteem may endure when they realize they can't perform likewise equally their classmates. It's common for these children to begin to experience stupid, sorry, or broken-hearted about school. Their grades drop and things simply snowballs from there.

#ane Time By doing private gifted testing, you won't have to look for the understaffed school district to go around to your child. And you'll get results within 7 days which is pretty much unheard of with the overworked schoolhouse district'due south school psychologists or other psychologists in the area. This could make your child eligible for a gifted classroom sooner.

#2 Attention to Particular Our psychologists are able to take more time assessing your child and analyzing the results. In some cases, they are able to alert parents of areas of concern that may impact hereafter academic performance, such as early signs of reading and math difficulties and problems with attention and focus. This doesn't happen when the schoolhouse district's school psychologists test your child for gifted.

#3Optimized Performance  Is your kid more alert and focused in the morning or just the contrary? Say your child gets sleepy, is just getting or recovering from a common cold, or has a stomachache during the evaluation. All of these factors can negatively bear on your child's functioning. Our psychologists can schedule testing on a day, at a specific time of twenty-four hours, or to stop testing and reschedule the remainder of the testing for another day when your kid is more than alert, focused, and feeling better. School psychologists don't accept this luxury.

#iv Fairness In public and charter schools, you have to depend on a instructor to recommend your child for gifted testing to start the process. But what if your kid's teacher doesn't brand this recommendation? At that place are a lot of reasons a teacher might not make this recommendation, like behavior issues or difficulties with attention. Or mayhap your child is placidity and shy and goes largely unnoticed past the instructor in a large classroom.

At our office, we offer ii types of gifted testing: Basic and Comprehensive. Both types are performed by licensed psychologists with years of experience.  It'due south comparable to the prices at local teaching clinics where doctoral students are still learning to perform these evaluations. Hither's the difference between the ii levels:

  • Basic (ages 5+) meets the minimum requirements to make up one's mind gifted eligibility. It costs $400 USD.
  • Comprehensive (ages 6+) is a more in-depth evaluation of different types of intelligence, and also assesses for personal strengths and weaknesses. It is recommended in cases when the kid is being re-evaluated after not meeting gifted eligibility within the last yr. Information technology costs $550 USD.

There's a $150 non-refundable scheduling fee for both types of gifted testing to encompass the time spent in preparation for the testing session and so y'all tin can accept the results and final report on the same day of testing. Yous also have the added benefit of working with Dr. Erika Martinez or Dr. Frank Martinez-Mesa, who accept both worked for the public school organization and are up-to-date with its requirements for gifted placement.

Yous'll get results the aforementioned 24-hour interval for both Basic and Comprehensive Gifted/IQ tests.

Non usually. Gifted testing is for educational purposes and your healthcare insurance is for health/medical purposes. However, we can requite you a special receipt chosen a superbill. You can submit the superbill to your insurance company and see if they'll accept the claim. Y'all may also consider paying with your HSA/FSA menu.

The Basic gifted test is shorter (approx. thirty-forty mins) and provides verbal, nonverbal, and Full Calibration IQ scores.

The Comprehensive gifted exam is longer (approx. 60-75 mins) and provides additional IQ scores beyond verbal, nonverbal, and Full Calibration IQ scores. It also allows for more advanced statistical analysis to help determine if discrepancies exist amidst the verbal, nonverbal, and Full Scales IQ scores. If discrepancies exist, then the Full Calibration IQ score (used for Gifted eligibility) could be invalid which may provide an opportunity to use one of the other IQ scores to determine Gifted eligibility.

Both the Basic and Comprehensive gifted tests we offering are accepted past Miami-Dade Canton Public Schools and Broward County Public Schools. Please note that Miami-Dade and Broward have different IQ criteria for gifted programs. Click here to learn everything yous want to know about Gifted Evaluations.

We don't offer in-home evaluations for several reasons.

  • Psychological tests must be administered in a standardized way each and every time and so that the results are valid. Testing in individual homes introduces too many variables (e.g. interruptions, phones or doorbells ringing, dogs barking, neighbors, toys, windows, etc.) that could distract the child and invalidate the results.
  • Many schools won't accept the results of testing that was conducted in private homes.
  • As licensed professionals, we have an ethical and legal responsibleness to protect the test'due south integrity. In private homes, in that location's no guarantee test questions and activities won't be overheard or seen.

Traditionally, an IQ of 130 or more qualifies every bit gifted.  For kids that score above 112 merely below 130, Miami-Dade County Public Schools offers "Plan B", which are alternative criteria for gifted placement. Read The Ultimate Guide to Gifted Testing in Miami to larn everything yous could maybe want to know about giftedness.

Our doctors use the same IQ tests that Miami-Dade Canton Public Schools school psychologists use. The use of a specific test is at the psychologist'southward discretion and depends on whether your child was tested for gifted in the last 12 months.

Yes, they volition as long as the gifted evaluation is performed by a licensed psychologist in the state of Florida.  You tin bank check whether a professional has an agile license using this link.

Consumer Alert!

Some psychologists will accept their testing technician administer the IQ test to cut down on time and cost.  This may account for the departure in price when you're calling around to become prices and one identify charges $200 and another place charges $500. Delight note that MDCPS volition non accept gifted testing performed by technician even if the final results are signed off past a licensed psychologist.

You're probably thinking, "Fine, I'll merely have my kiddo re-tested," and sure yous can do that, BUT remember that IQ tests cannot be re-administered for ane yr.

Yep, Sarasota County Schools will accept evaluations from licensed psychologists in the land of Florida.

However, Sarasota County Schools have VERY demanding criteria for its gifted programme. In some cases, they may crave additional testing (due thousand. an Achievement test) in add-on to an IQ examination for students seeking admission into its Gifted Magnet programs (e.g. Pineview School) than would be required by Miami-Dade Canton Public Schools.

Nosotros recommend that yous carefully review the information on Sarasota Canton Schools' ESE segmentation'southward website and/or contact their office to go specific instructions almost your kid'southward specific testing needs.

Testing volition involve some of the following:

  • Answering questions out loud or on the computer
  • Building designs and completing puzzles
  • Answering riddles
  • Memory games

We recommend that you don't tell your child anything nearly the examination until a day or so earlier their appointment so they don't go nervous.  Avoid saying that information technology'southward a test or mentioning anything about "gifted" or "passing or failing".

Information technology's important that you remain calm, too, because your child will know something'due south up if y'all're anxious. If they ask, tell them they're going to see with someone who will be helping yous make of import school decisions so that he or she can practice their best in school or so y'all can provide ameliorate aid with their homework.  That'due south it – continue it simple!

Brand sure your kiddo gets a good dark's remainder. Avoid them staying upwardly late, watching scary movies, having caffeine , or deviating from their normal routine.

Try to get them to eat a salubrious, well-counterbalanced meal before testing. That'south all the prep he or she needs.

IQ test measure out potential, non learned data so in that location's no mode to really set up or written report for them. Online test prep companies similar or and gifted prep workbooks are a waste of time and money. Nosotros've tested children that prepared for weeks (sometimes fifty-fifty months) with these materials and the kids didn't qualify for gifted. And vice versa. Kids qualify for gifted without any special grooming or preparation.

Information technology really depends on your child. Just grown-ups, some kids are alarm in the morning while others are at their best later in the day. We can commencement testing as early as 10 AM and the latest kickoff time we offer is 5 PM. Nosotros too offer testing on some Saturdays, instructor planning days, and even school holidays. Please call our role for more details.

It depends.  If your kid scores between 112 and 129, he or she may be eligible for gifted placement through Miami-Dade County Public Schools' Plan B criteria.  If your child scores below 112, y'all can try re-testing in one yr when your child has developmentally matured more.

Sorry, no, you can't exist in the room. Here'south why:

  • The results are more accurate when the testing environment closes approximates the school environment.
  • How your kiddo behaves in your absence provides important information that is part of the evaluation.
  • The testing questions and materials are highly confidential and the licensed psychologist has an ethical responsibility to maintain their confidentiality.

But if you're very curious nigh doing an IQ test, consider doing one yourself! We take many parents that decide to get tested too after their kids tell them how much fun it was ;)

Yes, Dr. Erika Martinez offers the comprehensive level of gifted testing. If you lot prefer the bones level of gifted testing, our female psychometrician can perform the testing and Dr. Frank Martinez-Mesa can score and interpret the results.

Yes, our doctors accept all licensed psychologists in the country of Florida. You can verify their licenses with Florida'south Department of Wellness using this link. Dr. Erika Martinez and Dr. Frank Martinez-Mesa take both worked for Miami-Dade County Public Schools and have a comprehensive understanding of the schoolhouse system's requirements for gifted placement.

Yes, our Basic Gifted/IQ test can be administered in Castilian. However, testing in Castilian would not authorize for placement in a Gifted program in Miami-Dade County Public Schools and most private schools in Miami-Dade County.

Telephone call or schedule a Consult to learn more than and get pricing for this evaluation.

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Wanda Lowas Mdlazii

Wanda Lowas Mdlazii

02:41 10 Mar 22

I promised that I'm going to testify if my trading was successful'
It takes so much fourth dimension and endeavour to know the right Trade good to win trade, After all my research I came in contact with her and I've learned a lot with her in this few years. I'grand so impressed with the profit she helped me made, What I love nigh her is consistency, she's crawly. I just made my withdrawal of 15,000 $ USD.
Achieve out to her for the best forex trading result.
Contact her via
[e-mail protected]
WhatsApp: +ane (862) 330-1254

Aurélie Lucette

Aurélie Lucette

19:12 10 Jan 22

The team at Envision wellness is wonderful and very responsive. Dr. Martinez-Mesa conducted testing for my son. He is a very knowledgeable, professional, and a compassionate provider.

Alexis Moreno

Alexis Moreno

22:18 09 Dec 20

Dr. Szentpaly is a fantastic professional, very knowledgeable and competent. She has helped my sibling who had debilitating feet. My family unit and I are and so very grateful!

Nicole Moreno

Adam Eisenberg

Adam Eisenberg

00:06 05 Oct 20

Dr. Joyce is amazing. She's helped me and so much with my OCD and feet, both got really bad since COVID started. I've been to other therapists before with limited results, merely Joyce is the existent deal. Also the function staff is helpful and they made the whole process smooth from the commencement.

Rayan Bouajram

Rayan Bouajram

02:46 27 Apr 20

Although I wasn't able to piece of work with Envision due to being located in a dissimilar country, their staff took the time to really support me in finding groovy centers local to where I live and provide me with tips on how to discover the best psychiatrists. Had they been local to where I live, I would have loved to work with them! Highly recommended, they are fantastic and very informative :)

Maria del Valle

Maria del Valle

16:33 23 Feb 20

El Dr. Martínez le hizo una evaluación de inmigración a mi mama para el examen de ciudadanía el año pasado. Era la segunda vez porque el primer psicólogo al que fuimos solo escribió una carta de one página y ella fue rechazada. Esta vez todo salió bien y ¡mi madre es ciudadana ahora! Todo el proceso fue rápido y fácil. Este es un equipo de psicólogos muy honesto y profesional. Los recomiendo con toda confianza. ¡Gracias de nuevo!



13:18 05 Feb 20

Erika performed IQ and achievement testing for my son. She is very capable and professional. Woking with her was a very positive experience. I recommend her very highly.

Lynette Hernandez

Lynette Hernandez

16:23 06 Dec xix

I needed a new psychoeducational testing because the other doctor I went to did it wrong and it was rejected. That'southward how I found Dr. Martinez! When I called, the function staff was very nice and explained I would need to speak with the doctor directly for my special state of affairs. I'd chosen so many places, left messages, but no one chosen me back. I was so surprised to get a call back from the medico HERSELF at 7pm aforementioned day! She was so nice, helpful, and honest about what she could/couldn't exercise and how long it would take. Long story curt, she re-did my testing and knew exactly what to do (not like the other doc) and her study was accepted without issues so I was able to take my grad schoolhouse archway exam with accommodations. I wish I had found Dr. Martinez right from the showtime and not wasted $$$$ on that first test. She's the best!

Alex Valdes

Alex Valdes

xiv:12 09 Nov xix

Only put, Dr. Martinez is crawly. She is compassionate and helps you deal with the real issues you might exist struggling with, non merely the symptoms. She is very easy to talk to and gives you a rubber space to open up in. Dr. Martinez is extremely empathetic.

Judy Valdes

Judy Valdes

02:41 29 Jul 19

Erika has an amazing way of listening to you. REALLY listening. She does everything in her power to help you lot go to where you need to be to achieve your goals. Her empathy is a cute trait and her willingness to try dissimilar approaches to get you to your "aha" moment is a true attestation to her caring professionalism. LOVE her!

Grady Steele

Grady Steele

xiv:20 11 Apr xix

Dr. Martinez is very professional person, supportive, and insightful. Here office is my safety identify.

Mark Steele

Mark Steele

14:15 11 April nineteen

Dr. Erica Martinez is extremely passionate, professional and really cares. In one word, fantastic!

Roberta Alves, LMHC

Roberta Alves, LMHC

13:22 02 Mar 19

Dr. Erika Martinez is a phenomenal psychologist who sets the gold standard amid her peers. She is extremely talented, highly intuitive, intelligent, and passionate about helping her clients. She is a true inspiration and I highly recommend her!

Mallory Grimste, LCSW - she / hers

Mallory Grimste, LCSW - she / hers

12:41 28 Feb 19

I met Erika at a conference for therapists and was amazed at her passion for her clients. The free content she shares is And then helpful!

Dr. Cecilia Marin

Dr. Cecilia Marin

03:53 28 Feb 19

I've worked Collaboratively with Dr. Martinez on several cases and she has not let me down. Her professionalism, empathy for patients and wit make her a pleasure to refer to.Professionally, she's a audio therapist. Personally, she's an astonishing human beingness!

Karla Rodriguez

Karla Rodriguez

thirteen:58 13 January 19

Dr. Szentpaly was very professional & passionate about her work. Highly recommend her !

J Ross

J Ross

fifteen:36 14 Sep 18

Amazing professionals that really understand how to aid people in their time of need and wanting growth. They accept a passion for helping people.

Tony Menendez

Tony Menendez

17:10 25 October 17

The thing that'south always kept me coming back to Dr. Martinez is her ability to tailor her counseling. I've never once felt like she'due south idea, "Oh, it'southward another case of this, therefore the textbook next steps are this." She takes fourth dimension to listen, get some background, and so tailor a plan to ameliorate based on the whole pic. In that location'south a chance she might tell you something you lot don't desire to hear, but need to. And I've appreciated that, as I've too seen therapists that are concerned with you "liking" them more than existence focused on the hard truths. Dr. Martinez has helped me through some troubling times, and while I feel I'g in a better spot now, if that changes, she'due south my commencement call.

Peggy Mustelier

Robin Custer

Robin Custer

23:xix 08 Aug 17

Erika is such a stiff and kind psychologist. She gets amazing results working with overachievers to help them reach their potential without burning out. If your think you might desire assist, consider Dr. Erika Martinez.

Robin Custer

Robin Custer

23:08 08 Aug 17

Erika is such an experienced and skillful colleague. She uses warmth and care with her psychology clients, providing outstanding relief for anxiety. If you accept anxiety, you'll get the best from Erika

Beth Medina

Beth Medina

fifteen:23 28 Jul 17

Are you a smart, driven perfectionist who wants a counselor who "gets it," can keep upwards with y'all intellectually, AND who knows how to assist you silence that incessant, negative, abrasive inner critic that stops yous from existence you? If y'all desire solutions for your feet and are turned off by psycho-fluff and passive therapists who don't recollect y'all or your situation from session to session, you owe it to yourself to give Dr. Martinez a call. She's astonishing.

Lourdes Quesada Souto

Lourdes Quesada Souto

20:19 27 Jul 17

Dr. Erika Martinez is crawly, she has a passion for working with high-achieving professionals who feel they are non 100% fulfilled. Whether it's a human relationship related, family, work, or just life, she will help you sympathize how to turn it effectually. She is inspirational, insightful and knows how to make you feel comfortable and open up. I highly recommend her.

Alain Perez

Alain Perez

xiv:56 27 Jul 17

From the starting time moment, Dr. E. truly makes yous feel rubber and comfortable, this is what sets her autonomously from many others in this field. I highly recommend speaking with her, she has helped me go my life back on rail!

Alain Vasallo

Gary Brown

Gary Brownish

01:35 27 Jul 17

In every area of life there are people who are but naturally born to do what they do. Erika is that person. All of usa who know her come up to appreciate what a blessing she is in our lives!

Kaila Bridgeman

Kaila Bridgeman

01:29 27 Jul 17

Therapy is such a vulnerable do and information technology can be difficult to open upward and trust someone, merely Erika makes that whole process feel a lot meliorate. She's great at immediately making you feel like y'all're in a safe, comfortable infinite so you tin can really get to the core of why you lot're there and how she tin can help. I similar that Erika remains non-judgmental simply she will give yous that reality check when necessary that volition help y'all plough things around. That tin can be a lot to handle but Erika is in that location every step of the way, positively yet realistically. I'yard really thankful I had a gamble to speak to her :)

Yolanda Harper

Yolanda Harper

00:09 27 Jul 17

Erika seriously knows her stuff! Don't hesitate to give her a call then that you can see how amazing she is!

Sharon Martin

Sharon Martin

22:44 26 Jul 17

I honey Erika's inspiring post and idea-provoking manufactures. Information technology's been a pleasance to go to know her and the wonderful work she is doing as a therapist. I highly recommend Envision Wellness!

Sharon Cohen Corley

Sharon Cohen Corley

22:33 26 Jul 17

Dr. Erika Martinez is a smart, caring, ethical psychologist with a passion for serving smart, loftier-achieving professionals who aren't feeling fulfilled. If y'all've been feeling apathetic, wondering what is the pregnant of YOUR life, Erika volition help bring out the best you can exist - to your relationship, to your family unit, to your work, and to the world!

Barbara Schpilberg

Aurélie Lucette

Aurélie Lucette

nineteen:12 10 Jan 22

The team at Envision wellness is wonderful and very responsive. Dr. Martinez-Mesa conducted testing for my son. He is a very knowledgeable, professional person, and a compassionate provider.

Alexis Moreno

Alexis Moreno

22:eighteen 09 Dec twenty

Dr. Szentpaly is a fantastic professional person, very knowledgeable and competent. She has helped my sibling who had debilitating anxiety. My family and I are so very grateful!

Nicole Moreno

Adam Eisenberg

Adam Eisenberg

00:06 05 Oct 20

Dr. Joyce is amazing. She'south helped me then much with my OCD and feet, both got actually bad since COVID started. I've been to other therapists before with limited results, but Joyce is the real deal. Besides the office staff is helpful and they made the whole process smooth from the start.

Rayan Bouajram

Rayan Bouajram

02:46 27 April xx

Although I wasn't able to work with Envision due to being located in a different state, their staff took the time to really support me in finding great centers local to where I live and provide me with tips on how to find the all-time psychiatrists. Had they been local to where I alive, I would have loved to work with them! Highly recommended, they are fantastic and very informative :)

Maria del Valle

Maria del Valle

16:33 23 Feb 20

El Dr. Martínez le hizo una evaluación de inmigración a mi mama para el examen de ciudadanía el año pasado. Era la segunda vez porque el primer psicólogo al que fuimos solo escribió una carta de 1 página y ella fue rechazada. Esta vez todo salió bien y ¡mi madre es ciudadana ahora! Todo el proceso fue rápido y fácil. Este es un equipo de psicólogos muy honesto y profesional. Los recomiendo con toda confianza. ¡Gracias de nuevo!



xiii:18 05 Feb 20

Erika performed IQ and accomplishment testing for my son. She is very capable and professional. Woking with her was a very positive experience. I recommend her very highly.

Lynette Hernandez

Lynette Hernandez

16:23 06 Dec 19

I needed a new psychoeducational testing because the other dr. I went to did it wrong and it was rejected. That's how I constitute Dr. Martinez! When I called, the part staff was very nice and explained I would demand to speak with the physician direct for my special situation. I'd called so many places, left messages, simply no ane called me back. I was and then surprised to go a recall from the doctor HERSELF at 7pm aforementioned mean solar day! She was then nice, helpful, and honest near what she could/couldn't practice and how long it would take. Long story curt, she re-did my testing and knew exactly what to do (not like the other doctor) and her report was accustomed without issues then I was able to take my grad school entrance exam with accommodations. I wish I had found Dr. Martinez correct from the start and not wasted $$$$ on that first test. She's the all-time!

Alex Valdes

Alex Valdes

14:12 09 Nov 19

Simply put, Dr. Martinez is awesome. She is compassionate and helps you deal with the real issues yous might be struggling with, non just the symptoms. She is very easy to talk to and gives y'all a safe space to open up in. Dr. Martinez is extremely empathetic.

Judy Valdes

Judy Valdes

02:41 29 Jul 19

Erika has an amazing way of listening to y'all. REALLY listening. She does everything in her ability to help yous get to where yous need to be to achieve your goals. Her empathy is a beautiful trait and her willingness to try different approaches to go you to your "aha" moment is a true attestation to her caring professionalism. LOVE her!

Grady Steele

Grady Steele

xiv:xx 11 April 19

Dr. Martinez is very professional person, supportive, and insightful. Here office is my safe place.

Mark Steele

Mark Steele

14:15 11 April nineteen

Dr. Erica Martinez is extremely passionate, professional and really cares. In one word, fantastic!

Roberta Alves, LMHC

Roberta Alves, LMHC

13:22 02 Mar 19

Dr. Erika Martinez is a phenomenal psychologist who sets the gold standard among her peers. She is extremely talented, highly intuitive, intelligent, and passionate about helping her clients. She is a true inspiration and I highly recommend her!

Mallory Grimste, LCSW - she / hers

Mallory Grimste, LCSW - she / hers

12:41 28 Feb xix

I met Erika at a briefing for therapists and was amazed at her passion for her clients. The costless content she shares is SO helpful!

Dr. Cecilia Marin

Dr. Cecilia Marin

03:53 28 Feb 19

I've worked Collaboratively with Dr. Martinez on several cases and she has not let me downwards. Her professionalism, empathy for patients and wit make her a pleasure to refer to.Professionally, she'due south a sound therapist. Personally, she'due south an astonishing human being being!

Karla Rodriguez

Karla Rodriguez

thirteen:58 13 Jan xix

Dr. Szentpaly was very professional person & passionate about her piece of work. Highly recommend her !

J Ross

J Ross

fifteen:36 14 Sep 18

Astonishing professionals that actually understand how to aid people in their time of need and wanting growth. They accept a passion for helping people.

Robin Custer

Robin Custer

23:08 08 Aug 17

Erika is such an experienced and skillful colleague. She uses warmth and care with her psychology clients, providing outstanding relief for anxiety. If yous have anxiety, you'll get the best from Erika

Beth Medina

Beth Medina

15:23 28 Jul 17

Are you a smart, driven perfectionist who wants a counselor who "gets it," can keep up with you intellectually, AND who knows how to help you silence that incessant, negative, abrasive inner critic that stops you from being yous? If yous want solutions for your anxiety and are turned off by psycho-fluff and passive therapists who don't call back you or your situation from session to session, you owe it to yourself to give Dr. Martinez a phone call. She'south amazing.

Alain Perez

Alain Perez

14:56 27 Jul 17

From the first moment, Dr. Due east. truly makes you feel safe and comfortable, this is what sets her autonomously from many others in this field. I highly recommend speaking with her, she has helped me get my life dorsum on rails!

Kaila Bridgeman

Kaila Bridgeman

01:29 27 Jul 17

Therapy is such a vulnerable practise and information technology can exist difficult to open up and trust someone, simply Erika makes that whole process feel a lot meliorate. She's slap-up at immediately making y'all feel like you're in a rubber, comfortable space and so you can really get to the core of why you're there and how she tin assist. I like that Erika remains non-judgmental simply she will give y'all that reality check when necessary that will assistance you turn things around. That can be a lot to handle but Erika is at that place every step of the manner, positively yet realistically. I'm really thankful I had a chance to speak to her :)

Wanda Lowas Mdlazii

Wanda Lowas Mdlazii

02:41 10 Mar 22

I promised that I'm going to show if my trading was successful'
Information technology takes so much fourth dimension and effort to know the right Trade adept to win trade, Afterward all my research I came in contact with her and I've learned a lot with her in this few years. I'1000 so impressed with the profit she helped me fabricated, What I love almost her is consistency, she's awesome. I merely made my withdrawal of 15,000 $ USD.
Reach out to her for the best forex trading outcome.
Contact her via
[e-mail protected]
WhatsApp: +one (862) 330-1254

Tony Menendez

Tony Menendez

17:ten 25 Oct 17

The affair that's always kept me coming back to Dr. Martinez is her ability to tailor her counseling. I've never once felt like she'southward idea, "Oh, it's another case of this, therefore the textbook next steps are this." She takes time to heed, go some background, and and so tailor a plan to better based on the whole picture. At that place's a chance she might tell you something you don't want to hear, but need to. And I've appreciated that, every bit I've also seen therapists that are concerned with you "liking" them more than being focused on the hard truths. Dr. Martinez has helped me through some troubling times, and while I experience I'one thousand in a better spot now, if that changes, she'southward my offset telephone call.

Peggy Mustelier

Robin Custer

Robin Custer

23:nineteen 08 Aug 17

Erika is such a strong and kind psychologist. She gets amazing results working with overachievers to help them reach their potential without called-for out. If your think you might want assistance, consider Dr. Erika Martinez.

Lourdes Quesada Souto

Lourdes Quesada Souto

20:19 27 Jul 17

Dr. Erika Martinez is crawly, she has a passion for working with loftier-achieving professionals who experience they are non 100% fulfilled. Whether information technology's a relationship related, family, work, or merely life, she volition help y'all understand how to turn information technology around. She is inspirational, insightful and knows how to brand you lot feel comfy and open upwards. I highly recommend her.

Alain Vasallo

Gary Brown

Gary Brown

01:35 27 Jul 17

In every area of life there are people who are just naturally born to do what they do. Erika is that person. All of u.s.a. who know her come to appreciate what a blessing she is in our lives!

Yolanda Harper

Yolanda Harper

00:09 27 Jul 17

Erika seriously knows her stuff! Don't hesitate to requite her a telephone call so that you can see how amazing she is!

Sharon Martin

Sharon Martin

22:44 26 Jul 17

I love Erika's inspiring mail and thought-provoking manufactures. It's been a pleasance to get to know her and the wonderful work she is doing as a therapist. I highly recommend Envision Wellness!

Sharon Cohen Corley

Sharon Cohen Corley

22:33 26 Jul 17

Dr. Erika Martinez is a smart, caring, ethical psychologist with a passion for serving smart, loftier-achieving professionals who aren't feeling fulfilled. If you've been feeling blah, wondering what is the meaning of YOUR life, Erika will assist bring out the best you lot can exist - to your relationship, to your family unit, to your work, and to the world!

Barbara Schpilberg


One of 3 Top Rated Psychologists in Miami, FL

top rated psychologist therapist miami


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