
How To Size Players For String Instruments

For no other class of instrument is correct sizing more important than information technology is for orchestral strings. When a young actor picks upward a violin, viola, cello or bass for the beginning fourth dimension, it'due south disquisitional for the instrument's size to match the actor so that learning proper positioning and playing technique volition be possible. And since a budding musician can first at any age and probably has several growth spurts in store, it's important to update from time to time as well.

Whether your child is just beginning his or her musical journey, or in need of an updated instrument to keep upwards with a growing body, the methods and measurements outlined in this guide (coupled with the communication and recommendations of the instructor or orchestra teacher) volition assistance yous find the perfect fit. That will make the instrument easier to play, leading to ameliorate progress and avoiding the discomfort and frustration that come from attempting to play an outsize instrument.

Violin & Viola Sizing

Step-by-step Method

For most aspiring violinists and violists, this uncomplicated sizing method is the most efficient and accurate arroyo to take. If you don't have access to instruments through your child's band program, consider visiting a local music store and request for help sizing-in (or employ the measurement tables below). When you do have access to sample instruments, have your child follow these steps:

  1. Concord the musical instrument against the left shoulder, nether the chin.
  2. Straighten the left arm in line with the instrument, and so bring the hand upwardly to the scroll, palm facing upwards.
  3. Wrap the hand around the whorl and check its position and reach. If the fingers can ringlet around the scroll and into the peg box, the instrument is the right size. If the fingers cannot wrap all the way around the curlicue and your child has trouble holding his or her arm upward to it, and so the instrument is likewise large. If the curlicue can be cupped in the palm lone, then it'south as well small.
  4. For instruments that laissez passer the "hand cheque", verify the fit by placing your child's hand on the cervix in playing position. On a correctly-sized instrument, this will go out the arm in a clear "5" shape, non also steep and not too shallow. If the arm is more of a shallow "U", the instrument is besides big. If it'south a very narrow "5" pressed close to the torso, then the instrument is as well modest.

Measurement Tables

If instruments are not readily available for sizing, you can take measurements to make up one's mind the correct size musical instrument instead. Use a yardstick or measuring record and follow this procedure:

  1. Have your child extend his or her left arm horizontally to the front, and measure from the left side of the neck to the center of the palm (in inches).
  2. Find the instrument-specific measurement on the following list and cull the indicated instrument size. As a dominion of thumb, if the measurement falls between two dissimilar sizes, you tin can safely cull the smaller of the 2.

Violin Measurements

  • 23 5/8″ – 24″: 4/iv (full size) violin
  • 22 1/4″ – 22 one/2″: 3/4 size violin
  • 20 three/8″ – 21″: 1/2 size violin
  • eighteen 1/2″ – 19″: ane/4 size violin
  • xvi 7/8″ – eighteen″: ane/eight size violin
  • xv 3/8″ – 16 1/2″: 1/x size violin
  • fourteen 1/8″ – 15″: ane/16 size violin

Viola Measurements

  • 27 ane/8″: 5-inch viola
  • 26 3/8″: 16-inch viola
  • 25 5/8″: 5-inch viola
  • 24 7/8″: 15-inch viola
  • 23 1/4″ – 24″: 14-inch viola
  • 21 7/8″ – 22 ane/2″: 13-inch viola
  • 20 1/8″ – 21″: 12-inch viola
  • eighteen i/4″ – xix″: 11-inch viola

Cello Sizing

Stride-by-step Method

Considering the cello is played in a seated position, you'll need a chair for best results. If possible, use the same type of chair that your child will exist using while performing. Otherwise, try to cull one that's the same top. The most effective way to size for a cello is to employ actual instruments; your child'due south band director should be able to help out with this, or if necessary, yous can visit a music store with instruments on hand. And then, walk your child through these steps to find the correct size:

  1. Sit straight up in the chair, with knees at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Place the cello between the knees, leaning it back against the chest.
  3. Check the cello's alignment with your child'south chest and legs. If it is correctly sized, the fingerboard volition exist resting on the sternum and the upper part of the cello torso volition residual on the thighs.
  4. Wait for the acme peg on the correct-hand side (belonging to the "C" string); it should be close to the left ear.
  5. Cheque the corner of the lower bout; it should exist resting against the left knee.
  6. Verify that the fingerboard is within reach without straining. If your child has to stretch to reach the fingerboard, or if the cello is resting as well high in each of the previous three steps, and then it is likely too large. If it's resting too depression, or if the "C" string peg is even with or below the chin, the cello is probably likewise pocket-size.

Bass Sizing

Step-by-footstep Method

Information technology may come as a surprise to acquire that right sizing is even more important for the bass than for other orchestral strings. Because it is and so large, the bass is designed for the body and arms to fit around it in a specific way, and information technology's very difficult to play if they can't naturally fall into this intended posture due to a too-big or likewise-small instrument. One thing that the bass does have in common with other orchestral strings is that the easiest style to size one is to have instruments on manus, and to guide your child through a set of easy steps:

  1. Stand up and agree the bass upright. Position the instrument confronting the left side, belongings the neck in the left manus with fingers in the starting time position.
  2. On a properly-sized bass, those fingers will line up with the optics.
  3. Double-check past holding the bow in the right hand, with shoulders directly and arm relaxed in a prepare-to-play position, parallel to the floor. If the musical instrument is the correct size, the bow should cross the strings between the bridge and the end of the fingerboard.
  4. Y'all volition know the bass is also large while following the steps above if the left hand is above eye-level, or if the bow falls at or below the span. Alternately, if the left hand is higher up heart-level in first position or if the bow is at or higher up the end of the fingerboard, yous'll know that the musical instrument is too small.

Measurement Table

In case you don't accept access to instruments for sizing purposes, you tin can take a measurement to determine the best size instead. Start by having your child stand up in a straight only relaxed posture, arms positioned at the sides with hands open up, fingers pointing down, and palms in against the body. So, measure the distance from the "V" between the pollex and forefinger up to the outside corner of your child's left eye. Reference the following list, choosing the indicated size for shut-to-exact measurements, or the smaller size for measurements that fall squarely between.

Bass Measurements

  • 41″+: 4/4 (full size) bass
  • 39″: 3/iv size bass
  • 35 7/viii″: i/two size bass
  • 33 1/4″: i/four size bass

Sizing into the Hereafter

It's important to remember that every bit kids abound, so too must their instruments. So don't just call back of the sizing information in this guide as a one-time thing – instead, refer back to information technology every then oft to bank check on the size of your child's instrument and see whether it'south getting shut to fourth dimension for a bigger one. When choosing a rental or purchase plan for the violin, viola, cello or bass, make sure to look into the exchange policy. For case, rentals from Music & Arts are eligible for no-charge exchanges to larger sizes. That means it'southward easy to always have the best fit fifty-fifty for a speedily-growing immature musician, and your child can savour a better learning experience every bit a result! It'south all part of the recipe for musical success: a recipe that starts with having a properly-sized instrument to work with.

For more information on how to choose a string instrument, check out our Cello Buying Guide, Violin Buying Guide, and Viola Buying Guide.

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How To Size Players For String Instruments,


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